Our employees

  • Plus-Project Ltd is an equal opportunities employer, and recruits, promotes, and provides access to training and development opportunities based on skills, experience, and talent. It does not discriminate. Our Code of Conduct sets out our expectations.
  • Gender – over 50% of our employees and our Senior Leadership Team are women.
  • Our commitment to our employees is reflected in our low attrition rate, and range of benefits offered to all employees. Please see our careers page for more information.
  • In 2023 we formed a Sustainability Governance Team with employee representatives completing a 2-year membership, allowing other employees to join bringing fresh perspectives.
  • Our internal Sustainability Newsletter shares company achievements, best practices, and employee stories regarding efforts to reduce their environmental impact.
  • At Plus-Project we invest in our workforce, providing a diverse range of training and development opportunities for all employees.

Our communities

  • We recognise that we cannot operate in isolation and strive to form better connections with our local communities. In 2023 we made donations to charities / community projects selected by our employees at our sites in the UK and Poland, as well as our remote workers team.
  • We are developing an Engagement Strategy, to formalise our longer-term commitment to our local communities.

Future talent

  • Investment and education of future talent in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and our industry is essential, to motivate and provide career direction for potential recruits. We support the industry initiative through PSI Careers and have engaged in forums, produced content, and attended university careers fairs.
  • We have developed a Work Experience Module and welcomed our first student in July 2024